
Ain’t no way we’re getting through this topic in one blog post.

Heck, I’m not even going to try.  But this is definitely a topic very present in my mind as we work through the process of Beyond Reasonable Doubt.  We’re definitely unmasking our own levels of privilege as we work in the room.  As artists, we pride ourselves on being more aware, more open, than others.  This may or may not be true.  But even if it were, there are always blind spots, or willful denial.  And sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know, and all you can do is make a conscious effort to be intentional in the investigation.

One of the ways we’re doing that is – on Saturday we did a workshop with our full team, led by Dr. Irma Starr from The Ben Marion Institute for Social Justice.  It was a powerful morning, working together to look at our own perspectives, what we were taught about people ‘like us’ and people who are ‘other.’  How we behave, what makes a ‘good person,’ how we deal with moments of conflict, how we assume others do. Great way for us to come together as an ensemble, but also really interesting fodder for personal reflection.

Happened across this article this morning.  I think it is an interesting representation of literally slamming into your own sense of privilege.  I think my favorite part is the ending.

Check it out and let me know what you think.  How do you define privilege?

Oh – and by the way – tonight we read the script again, with all the changes made in the last week. Can’t wait!

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